Freedom Amendments Outline, A Letter to the People
Benefits to us as American Citizens.
(Freedom Amendments for a free, happy life.)
Pays Off All Our Government's Outstanding Debt
It Gives Us a Fair Tax That Everyone Pays the Same Percentage Amount.
It Gives Us Surety of a Strong National Defense, Secure Borders, and No Illegal Immigration.
These are just some of the benefits to us as American Citizens which these Freedom Amendments would provide. To make these Amendments a reality, We as Citizens must act boldly and with authority granted by God and not the Government.
We must obey our Constitution as written and provided by Article V. (To add these Freedom Amendments to our Constitution).
To settle just fears of many citizens of a runaway convention, this Freedom Amendments are not to be changed in wording or intended meaning in any way, shape, or form.
We, as Citizens, must and shall direct our State Senators and Representatives immediately to call a Convention of States or members of Congress to adopt and ratify these Freedom Amendments. Failure to act by us as Citizens will result in our slavery to Governmental masters. For ourselves, children, and grandchildren. Failure of our State Legislatures or members of Congress to act on these Amendments should result in their unemployment.
Let’s go to work now! It will give us as Citizens a big advantage to secure these Amendments quickly. Giving our elected employees (Legislators and President) directions that must be followed. (By the will and firm resolve as Citizens of the United States.)
Please help in any way you can by getting involved! It’s our Country together, Let's keep it as our home of the brave and as our home of freedom.
(The People are the masters of both Congress and the Courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men that pervert it! Abraham Lincoln.)
The only thing necessary for evil and corruption to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.
Thank you, and we ask humbly for God to please bless America. For our Freedom and Liberty.